Recommendation QF5a (no)

What we recommend for your company:

Your company is well advanced with its efforts to manage its operations’ waste as part of its overall resource efficiency strategy. As your company already engages with external stakeholders on other resource efficiency related efforts, a simple next step would be to expand this engagement to also explore joint waste management efforts. This could be as simple as sharing your company’s experience and lessons learned from implementing waste management measures. But your company could also consider going as far as cooperating with neighbouring companies on shared reduction, reuse, re-manufacturing and recycling solutions.

In addition, if your company does not already have certification or provide product declarations related to waste management, for example through a third-party life-cycle assessment, this would then be a worthwhile next step to take. This would enable your company to compare its performance with competitors and follow best practices in the industry.  It also provides a valuable way to demonstrate your company’s progress to customers.
